ICHIN was founded on December 4, 2019, by an interdisciplinary group of UFSC professors and students, resulting of a collective work effort, which since the first semester of 2018, aimed the development of studies on China and to promote UFSC’s exchange and cooperation programmes with universities in that country.
Since then, this group has been developing several activities and events with the proposal to intensify scientific, economic and cultural exchange between both nations.
Among these, we highlight the two events held in 2019, which helped the recognition of the group and legitimized its institutionalization as a university institute.
The first event took place on June 27 and 28: “The new silk route: Brazilian and Chinese perspectives” and was attended by members of the Chinese embassy in Brazil and professors (Brazilian and Chinese) specialized in China-Brazil relations.
The second event took place on 29 and 30 October: “China Today: tradition and innovation”. It counted with the participation of several academics and entrepreneurs somewhat related to China, with national and international background.